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Breads   -   All-Purpose Biscuit Mix   by Lee Gibson

Description Happy New Year 2003! This morning, I made waffles for my friends after a night of par-tay. Unfortunately, I ran out of Bisquick so I couldn't make a second batch. Unfazed, I logged onto the Internet and found a recipe for an all-purpose biscuit mix. Thought somebody else some day might have the same problem I did, so here ya go: Reprinted for your convenience from here .
  • 6 cups all purpose flour
  • 3 tablespoons baking powder
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 1 1/4 cups butter flavored shortening
Directions Mix together the flour, baking powder, and salt
in a large bowl. Cut in shortening with pastry
blender until mixture resembles coarse corn meal.
Store in a container with tight-fitting lid.

For a healthier mix, make with 3 cups white flour
and 3 cups whole wheat flour.

For Buttermilk Mix, add 9 tablespoons dry
buttermilk powder to the basic mix.
Serves Some
Time to Make Not much

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