Main Course   -   Kjottkaker   by Marit

Description Norwegian Meatballs
  • Meatballs:
  • 4 lbs ground beef
  • 1 lb ground pork
  • 1 minced onion
  • ~8 oz PET milk
  • scant c breadcrumbs
  • 2 eggs
  • nutmeg
  • allspice
  • salt
  • pepper

  • Gravy:
  • 2 cans each--
  • french onion soup
  • consommée
  • cream of mushroom

  • flour
Directions Have butcher grind the meats together for you. Mix up with breadcrumbs, eggs, PET milk, onion. Sprinkle spices all over the top. Mix in. Repeat with nutmeg and allspice only. Make balls, drop in boiling water. When they pop to the surface (couple of minutes), fish them out and put in a large oven-proof stockpot. Add all gravy ingredients except flour. If meatballs aren't covered in liquid, add water until they are. Cover pot and bake at 325 for ~3 hours, or until done. Stir halfway through if you can do it without breaking the meatballs. If you can't, leave them, but make sure they're completely covered by liquid. (add more water if necessary). With maybe 30 min cooking time left, thicken the gravy with flour (dissolve in water first).
Serves many many many people
Time to Make prep: 1 hour cooking time: 3 hours

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