Side Dishes   -   Sauteed Zucchini with Feta   by Rusty Nejdl

Description Sauteed and seasoned zucchini with feta cheese makes a yummy accompaniment to steaks or grilled chicken.
  • One zucchini, sliced
  • 1 tablespoon garlic
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon parsley
  • 1 tablespoon basil
  • 1 teaspoon seasoned salt
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • 1/4 cup crumbled feta
Directions Slice the zucchini into thin slices.

Sautee zucchini with seasoning until it is golden and slightly carmelized.

Turn down heat and cover with feta. Serve as feta begins to melt.
Serves 2 or 3 people
Time to Make 10 minutes

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